How to use: The pushing kick (Teep)
Every Muay Thai practitioner who has either sparred or fought knows the importance of range and reach…
Understanding the Wai Khru, Ram Muay
To the untrained eye, the movements are unusual, the music is strange and the point is often missed…
Ringcraft: Correct footwork and guard for Muay Thai
It’s all well and good having perfect technique, but what truly separates good fighters from great fighters is the ability to get yourself in the perfect spot to launch your attack.
How to beat: an opponent with a good jab
The jab is undeniably the most important punch in your arsenal, whether you’re talking Muay Thai or straight boxing.
Three types of Muay Thai defence, and how to use them
Having a variety of rock solid defence options is integral to this as it gives you the breathing room to focus and decide on your method of attack…
Blessed with Venom: The Origins of Muay Thai
Historically, what many regard as the most devastating of the striking arts has it’s roots embedded in the country’s formative years…
How to develop timing for Muay Thai
You’ve thrown thousands of punches and kicks, you’ve drilled the knees the elbows and every combination of eight limbs under the sun. Yet somehow, you still can’t manage to land those shots you’re after! It’s frustrating…
The art of misdirection: how to use feints and set ups
Hitting the pads or the bag, and landing shots on an opponent are two very different things.
Ring Generalship
Ring craft is undoubtedly one of the most under taught, and under utilised skills in combat sports.
Elbows, the blades on your forearms
When an elbow is thrown correctly, the effect is like that of a knife…